Cuban Crafters stands as a prominent online wholesaler specializing in cigars, cigar gifts, cigar humidors, and cigar accessories. Situated in the Greater Miami Area, the company boasts Florida’s largest cigar outlet mega-store, offering fantastic deals on a diverse range of items, from cigars to cigar apparel. With multiple stores, including locations in Wellington, West Palm Beach Florida, Cleveland Ohio Airport, and Turks and Caicos Islands, Cuban Crafters has established a widespread presence.
Renowned brands available at Cuban Crafters encompass Xikar Lighter, Padron, Cuban Crafters Humidors, La Caya, Don Kiki, and Cuban Crafters Ashtrays.
Accepted payment methods include checks, money orders, cashier’s checks, and major credit cards such as American Express, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. In certain cases, wire transfers may be accommodated. Shipping services cover both wholesale and retail orders, catering to destinations within the US and virtually anywhere globally, with some items subject to specific restrictions. For further details, interested parties can explore the Cuban Crafters website.